Vela perfumada de lujo Milonga 12.75 oz
Vela perfumada de lujo Milonga 12.75 oz
12.75 Oz / +55 hours of burn time.
Milonga, la precursora del Tango. Las milongas se bailaban y se bailan en los antros de los barrios suburbanos del viejo y misterioso Buenos Aires.
Llamados "antros" por los lugareños, muchos antros tocan tangos y milongas hasta el amanecer para los clientes locales y los turistas ocasionales que logran encontrarlos.
El olor a taburetes de cuero, pisos encerados y tabaco se mezcla con loción para después del afeitado, lápiz labial y alcohol, creando una mezcla embriagadora y sensual que flota por toda la habitación, impregnando la ropa y la piel.
Perfecta para las noches frías o para celebrar cócteles, Milonga es una elegante fragancia de cuero con una difusión superior y un poder de permanencia. Las suculentas notas de cabeza dan paso a narcóticos ylang-ylang y bourbon, especiados con incienso y clavel, asentados sobre una base de aceite esencial de sándalo real y aceite de cadé, flanqueados por acordes de cuero y tabaco.
Milonga se clasifica como un aroma de incienso amaderado y de cuero.
Nuestro preciado aceite esencial de sándalo utilizado en esta mezcla proviene de una fuente sostenible en Australia, y puede obtener más información al respecto aquí .
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Scent Pyramid
Scent Pyramid
What Makes It Unique
What Makes It Unique
Materials And Components
Materials And Components
- Hybrid wax of vegetable origin.
- 100% Cotton core wick.
- Fragrance blend with botanical and synthesized materials.
- Luxury gift box and vessel upcycle instructions.
- Optional is an exotic Guayubira wood, Patagonula americana lid carved out of sustainably sourced, felled trees from South American rainforests.
Candle: 86 mm Ø x 95 mm H.
Box: 107 mm L x 107 mm W x 118 mm H.
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
- Trim the wick up to 1/8” before each use. Pick out any burnt wick remains from the melted wax before it cools off with a teaspoon or other utensil.
- Place on a heat-resistant surface and rotate often for an even melt, watch for drafts from windows or AC units.
- To avoid tunneling, always burn to a full pool of melted wax. This candle size develops a full pool at approximately 3 hours of constant burning.
- Keep away from children, pets and drafts.
- To upcycle your vessel, look for instructions in the next drop down menu, or the scent-flyer included in the box.
Other Scents In This Collection
Other Scents In This Collection
Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
We process orders within 48 hours, via USPS and UPS.

Milonga Inspiration
Milonga, the precursor to Tango. Milonga is a typical dance performed in dive bars in the suburban neighborhoods of old, mysterious Buenos Aires.
Called "antros" by the locals, many dive bars play tango and milonga until dawn for local patrons and the occasional tourists that manage to find them.
The smell of leather stools, waxed floors, and tobacco blend with aftershave, lipstick, and booze, creating an intoxicating, sensual concoction that wafts throughout the room, impregnating clothes and skin.
Milonga is an elegant leather fragrance with superior diffusion and staying power, perfect for chilly nights or hosting cocktails. Succulent top notes give way to narcotic Ylang-Ylang and bourbon, spiced with incense and carnation, sitting on a base of real sandalwood essential oil and cadé oil, flanked by leather and tobacco accords.
Milonga is classed as a leather, woody incense scent.
Our precious sandalwood essential oil used in this blend comes from a sustainable source in Australia, and you can learn more about it here.
Hassle-Free Exchanges
Customer ServiceThis product is returnable and exchangeable while it remains unopened and unused. Please read our Returns & Exchanges policies at the bottom of this page. For any questions or concerns, you can contact Customer Service by clicking the link below.